Balance Bike for Kids with Special Needs
At LittleBig Bikes we want to enable all kids to learn to ride a bike. The benefits of exercise aside, learning to glide along independently develops motor skills, builds confidence and is a means for social interaction and group play.
We understand that while each person has their own unique strengths, capabilities, and talents, for children with special needs, riding a bicycle does not always come easy. For kids with Down syndrome, autism or cerebral palsy, trying to coordinate balance, pedalling and steering can be an extremely difficult task.

“My first son has Autism and was 7 when he learned to get his balance on the LittleBig bike, and we had tried other bikes to no avail, my second son has Dyspraxia and learnt to cycle in 2 weeks using the bike, I lent it to a friend of mine with a boy with Autism and he also learnt to cycle using it and now its back to me and my youngest child is 4 tomorrow and we promised him we would put the pedals on it when he was 4, so its going to teach its fourth child how to cycle now, and its still in immaculate condition after 3 years. It’s an amazing bike!”
“I managed to purchase the bike and have it shipped to Belgium for my child with DCD (Dyspraxia).
It is absolutely brilliant, both in term of use as the design that works well and is feasible for me as a parent.”
“I was looking for a bike for my daughter who has Dyspraxia and was struggling with heavy bikes and with pedals. She is in love with it… she loves the colour of it and is able to handle it really well. Colour, size, weight, quality – all first class!”
“Really super bike! My little one has special needs and this bike has helped her to cycle, pedals and all! 3 years later the bike still looks like new and will be used now by my other child."
What Other Parent's Say
“My first son has Autism and was 7 when he learned to get his balance on the LittleBig bike, and we had tried other bikes to no avail, my second son has Dyspraxia and learnt to cycle in 2 weeks using the bike, I lent it to a friend of mine with a boy with Autism and he also learnt to cycle using it and now its back to me and my youngest child is 4 tomorrow and we promised him we would put the pedals on it when he was 4, so its going to teach its fourth child how to cycle now, and its still in immaculate condition after 3 years. It’s an amazing bike!”
“I managed to purchase the bike and have it shipped to Belgium for my child with DCD (Dyspraxia).
It is absolutely brilliant, both in term of use as the design that works well and is feasible for me as a parent.”
“I was looking for a bike for my daughter who has Dyspraxia and was struggling with heavy bikes and with pedals. She is in love with it… she loves the colour of it and is able to handle it really well. Colour, size, weight, quality – all first class!”
“Really super bike! My little one has special needs and this bike has helped her to cycle, pedals and all! 3 years later the bike still looks like new and will be used now by my other child."
LittleBig's Growing Frame Gives Extra Time to Learn
The LittleBig’s unique design allows it to be used as a balance bike for 4-5 years, the pedals never need to be attached. If your child has slower growth they may be able to use it for even longer. The stable design of the LittleBig and being fully supported by the saddle while they have their feet on the ground, makes it even easier than walking, ideal for kids with low muscle tone. The light weight and high quality wheel bearings of the LittleBig means it is much easier to push forwards and steer than traditional kids bikes with stabiliser wheels.

Top Tip!
No need for stabilisers (aka training wheels), LittleBig's unique adaptable frame offers kids with special needs a smoother and safer transition to pedalling.
Balance bikes can work really well for kids with additional needs such as Autism, Dyspraxia and Down Syndrome. Taking the pedals away from the bike makes learning to ride much simpler as your child keeps their feet on the ground, while being fully supported by the saddle.
The LittleBig bike is the perfect bike for a child with Dyspraxia, Autism and Down Syndrome as the unique growing frame means it will fit kids for much longer than other balance bikes, giving extra time to learn. To see how much the LittleBig grows, check our sizing guide.
Autistic kids - along with those with other additional needs such as Dyspraxia and Down Syndrome - may find riding a bike quite difficult but certainly a balance bike is the best way to learn. Being supported by the saddle and with the comfort of having their feet on the ground, your child should be able to ride the balance bike, even if they have some trouble balancing.